Highlighted Black Marketers
Weekly Highlighted Talented Black Marketers
Keiara West

Keiara West is the owner of Under Lock and Kei Digital Marketing and Event Design agency, and Kei Wei Designs carnival mas costume company. As a first generation college graduate, the launch of her two businesses, interestingly enough, have one similar connection, her love for creativity and design.
She has a keen talent for transitioning digital design into real-life experiences. The enjoyment she finds in customizing each costume she designs and giving close attention to the placement of each feather, each bead, and each feature is transitioned to the close attention to digital strategy and content she’s able to freelance to small brands.
Her mission for her agency is to provide small brands at the very beginning stages of their professional endeavors with access to affordable services in order to establish a consistent digital presence. Since launching in June 2019, Under Lock and Kei has been responsible for attracting celebrity influencers for brands such as Raw Beauty Cosmetics, designed marketing content which has led to feature articles published in Where Is The Buzz magazine, and paid digital billboard advertisements displayed in Los Angeles achieving over 100,000 impressions of exposure. Throughout quarantine, her agency has been able to assist clients virtually and offer flexible services that have allowed them to stay afloat during these unprecedented circumstances. Being able to bring smiles and business to her clients has truly been a blessing while we are all navigating through this current situation and it brings her great joy to know that she’s contributed to positive outcomes.